Case Results

Your Future Is Worth the Fight
  • Amended Charge State v. D.A.

    Client was charged with domestic battery in Pinellas County. He faced up to a year of incarceration. María chose an aggressive defense strategy and set the case for trial, forcing the State to amend the charge to disorderly conduct, which was the client’s desired outcome.

  • Motion Won State v. R.R.

    Client was charged with multiple counts of drug trafficking and possession. He faced a 25-year mandatory minimum prison sentence in Pasco County. At a hearing on the client’s motion to suppress statements illegally obtained by law enforcement, María identified statements and actions of the trial judge that were clearly prejudicial to her client. She quickly filed a motion to disqualify the judge, ensuring her client was before a fair and impartial judge, and that he was in the best position to fight his charges. María won the motion to disqualify, and a new judge was appointed.

  • Negotiated a Favorable Sentence State v. C.A.

    Client was charged with trafficking in methamphetamine, trafficking in cocaine, and possession of marijuana with intent to sell in Pinellas County. She faced a 7-year mandatory minimum prison sentence and $300,000 in mandatory fines. María was able to negotiate a favorable sentence of 2 years of community control, with the State waiving the mandatory minimum incarceration and fines.

  • Successfully Terminated Probation State v. C.C.

    While client was on probation for reckless driving that was reduced from a DUI, she was arrested for allegedly failing a urine screen and testing positive for alcohol consumption in Pinellas County. María aggressively pursued her client’s release from custody—she had him released within one week and had his probation reinstated and terminated successfully.

  • Charges Not Filed State v. S.W.

    Client was arrested for felony child abuse and misdemeanor domestic battery in Pinellas County. She faced up to 5 years in prison and risked losing her high-ranking position in her career. Because the client retained us early on before formal charges were filed, María was able to intervene from the beginning and put the client in a position where the State agreed to not file any felony charges.

  • Charges Dropped State v. E.G.

    Client was charged with two counts of felony possession of controlled substance (cocaine) and one count of misdemeanor driving while license suspended or revoked in Hillsborough County. He faced up to 10 years in prison, and the State was reluctant to negotiate. María chose an aggressive defense strategy, ultimately demanding a speedy trial. Just before trial, the State dropped both felony charges, and the client received time-served for the misdemeanor.

  • Charges Dropped & Case Dismissed State v. E.S

    Client was charged with felony grand theft for failure to deliver a rental vehicle in Orange County. He faced up to 5 years in prison. After María negotiated with the State and submitted a mitigation packet on behalf of her client, the State dropped the charge and dismissed the case.